- Winners -
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You have until April 10th to request graphics! Be sure to check the prize page for your prizes!
Overall Hi-Point Supreme
Noah Patrick (b 0-2 yrs)
Overall Supreme Queen
Emiley Rebeka (g 6-9) |
Overall Supreme King
Kyle Matthew (b 3-5) |
Overall Mini-Supreme Queen
Kristin-Hope Isabella (g 6-9) |
Overall Mini-Supreme King
Zachary (b 10-15) |
Isabella's Overall Picks
Noah Patrick (b 0-3) / Kali Jade (g 3-5) |
*****Girl Winners***** |
*****Boy Winners***** |
- Girls 0-2 yrs -
Queen: Lilianna (tie) Bryanna
Princess: Alivia (tie) Audrina
Duchess: Isabella Rose D
1st RU: Aaliyah
2nd RU: Alison
3rd RU:
Honorble Mentions:
Best Eyes: Alivia
Best Smile: Alivia, Isabella Rose D
Best Hair: Audrina , Alivia
Most Photogenic: Bryanna
Most Natural: Aaliyah, Bryanna, Alison
Most Beautiful: Alivia , Lilianna
Best Pose: Isabella Rose D
Best Dressed: Audrina
Judge's Pick: Bryanna Rose
- Boys 0-2 yrs -
King: Preston Lee
Prince: Malik David
1st RU:
2nd RU:
3rd RU:
Honorable Mentions:
Best Eyes: Noah Patrick, Preston Lee
Best Smile: Preston Lee
Best Hair: Malik
Most Photogenic: Preston, Noah
Most Natural: Malik
Most Handsome: Noah
Best Pose: Malik
Best Dressed: Noah
Judge's Pick: Noah, Preston
- Girls 3-5 yrs -
Queen: Naya
Princess: Isabella Rose
Duchess: Emma, Kali Jade
1st RU:
2nd RU:
3rd RU:
Honorble Mentions:
Best Eyes: Emma
Best Smile: Naya, Kali Jade
Best Hair: Isabella Rose
Most Photogenic: Kali Jade
Most Natural: Emma Grace
Most Beautiful: Isabella, Naya
Best Pose: Isabella
Best Dressed: Kali, Naya, Isabella Rose
Judge's Pick: Isabella, Emma
- Boys 3-5 yrs -
King: Robert Walter
Prince: Brandon Andrew
1st RU:
2nd RU:
3rd RU:
Honorable Mentions:
Best Eyes: Kyle Matthew
Best Smile: Kyle Matthew
Best Hair: Brandon
Most Photogenic: Kyle
Most Natural: Robert Walter
Most Handsome: Kyle
Best Pose: Robert Walter
Best Dressed:Kyle
Judge's Pick: Kyle, Robert
- Girls 6-9 yrs -
Queen: Dakota
Princess: Kiara
1st RU:
2nd RU:
3rd RU:
Honorble Mentions:
Best Eyes: Emiley
Best Smile: Emiley, Kristin-Hope Isabella
Best Hair: Dakota, Emiley
Most Photogenic: Emiley, Dakota
Most Natural: Kiara
Most Beautiful: Emiley
Best Pose: Kristin-Hope Isabella, Dakota
Best Dressed: Emiley
Judge's Pick: Emiley, Kristin-Hope Isabella
- Boys 6-9 yrs -
King: Brevin, Tanner
Prince: Nicholas
Duke: Quentin
1st RU: Hunter
2nd RU:
3rd RU:
Honorable Mentions:
Best Eyes: Tanner Alan
Best Smile: Quentin, Nicholas
Best Hair: Brevin
Most Photogenic: Brevin, Tanner
Most Natural: Tanner, Quentin, Hunter
Most Handsome: Tanner
Best Pose: Nicholas
Best Dressed: Brevin, Quentin
Judge's Pick: Tanner, Brevin
- Girls 10-15 yrs -
Queen: Rebecca Lynn
Princess: Rebecca Lea
Duchess: Emily, Mariah
1st RU:
2nd RU:
3rd RU:
Honorble Mentions:
Best Eyes: Rebecca Lea
Best Smile: Rebecca Lea
Best Hair: Mariah
Most Photogenic: Rebecca (both)
Most Natural: Emily, Rebecca Lea
Most Beautiful: Rebecca Lynn, Rebecca Lea
Best Pose: Mariah
Best Dressed: Emily Ann, Rebecca Lynn
Judge's Pick: Rebecca Lynn, Rebecca Lea
- Boys 10-15 yrs -
King: Jaysen
Prince: Henry, Jerry
Duke: Anthony
1st RU:
2nd RU:
3rd RU:
Honorable Mentions:
Best Eyes: Zachary
Best Smile: Jerry
Best Hair: Jerry, Zachary
Most Photogenic: Jerry , Jaysen
Most Natural: Anthony, Henry
Most Handsome: Zachary
Best Pose: Jaysen, Jerry
Best Dressed: Zachary
Judge's Pick: Zachary, Jaysen
- Girls 16 + yrs -
Queen: Alexandra Alanna
No optionals due to lack of entries!
- Boys 16 + yrs -
1st RU:
2nd RU:
3rd RU:
Honorable Mentions:
Best Eyes:
Best Smile:
Best Hair:
Most Photogenic:
Most Natural:
Most Handsome:
Best Pose:
Best Dressed:
Judge's Pick:
- Moms -
Queen: Christy
Princess: Nancy , Maggie
1st RU:
2nd RU:
3rd RU:
Honorble Mentions:
Best Eyes:
Best Smile: Nancy, Maggie
Best Hair: Maggie, Nancy
Most Photogenic: Christy
Most Natural: Maggie, Nancy
Most Beautiful:
Best Pose:Christy
Best Dressed: Maggie
Judge's Pick: Christy, Maggie, Nancy
- Dads -
King: Alan
No optionals due to lack of entries!!
Theme Winners |
Theme 1 : Big Smiles
Supreme Theme Winner: Naya Celeste, Noah Brycce
1st Place: Alivia Nicole, Noah Patrick
2nd Place: Aaliyah Ashley, Isabella Rose, Malik David
3rd Place: Audrina Faith, Isabella Rose D, Preston Lee, Robert Walter
4th Place: Emily Ann, Emma Grace, Kiara Raema, Quentin James
5th Place: Braiden Mykhaylo, Brevin , Kali Jade
Honorable Mentions:Alison Rose, Brandon Andrew, Hunter Weston, Lilianna Isabella, Tanner Alan
Theme 2 : Wearing Green
Supreme Theme Winner: Lilianna Isabella
1st Place: Audrina Faith, Isabella Rose
2nd Place: Alivia Nicole, Emma Grace, Preston Lee
3rd Place: Alison Rose, Hunter Weston
4th Place: Braiden Mykhaylo, Tanner Alan
5th Place:
Honorable Mentions: